Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sick People Chicken Soup

Hello everyone! We have made it to Fall! The weather is beautiful and cooler! So, of course, everyone is sick. Almost everyone I know has some sort of allergy or sinus trouble or throat tickle or dry cough or the kids have the first Fall cold. I am going to share my recipe for Sick People Chicken Soup so you can doctor your family if the aforementioned afflictions are plaguing you and yours. Chicken soup is the perfect sick food because it is easy on the digestive system- I mean if you can't handle chicken soup you need to be in the hospital! I have always made this soup for every sick person in my family regardless of the ailment- colds, surgeries, allergies, back trouble, cancer, heart trouble, strep throat, you name it. I'm not claiming it will cure sick people, but it will definitely comfort them. Also, it's very simple to make, has just a few ingredients, and keeps well for several days in the fridge. It can also be frozen if you like for future outbreaks of illness. It will keep in the freezer for a couple of months. I would like to say that you should not stray too far from my recipe. I mean don't get crazy... We are talking about sick people here, OK? They don't need lots of herbs and spices and fresh ground black pepper and cheese and garlic toast and all that stuff we add to soup when we aren't sick. Keep it simple. We don't wanna irritate scratchy throats and make stuffy noses drip and eyes burn. We just wanna get the sick person to take some nourishment. I guess it would be OK if you want to substitute an oil or the kind of chicken I recommend, but really, I have pretty much perfected this recipe. So stick to it!

Sick People Chicken Soup

1 large white onion finely chopped
4 stalk celery finely chopped
6 carrots peeled and chopped (You can add more if the sick person likes carrots.)
1 clove garlic finely diced (That's it garlicaholics! We aren't trying to repel vampires!)
2 tbsp EVOO
1 rotisserie chicken deboned and diced  (I use store bought, but if you are feeling like Martha Stewart you can cook your own.)
1/2 cup uncooked white rice (You can substitute pasta here if you like. Ditalini works well. Increase to 3/4 cup.)
2 tbsp fresh dill finely chopped
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp white pepper
2 32 oz. containers organic chicken stock
*Note: I recommend using organic ingredients for this soup. I always feel better about feeding my sick family members organic foods. When they are well- whatever, but sick I really, really care. :)

In a large stock pot add the EVOO and the chopped onion, celery, carrots, garlic and salt. Saute gently over medium heat until veggies just start to soften. (You want to sweat them a bit- not brown them.) Add the chicken stock, uncooked rice or pasta, diced chicken, white pepper, and chopped dill. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. If it looks too thick, add water and let simmer.

Serve this with saltine crackers- the other famous sick people food! For dessert, I recommend a popsicle or jello. Of course, this entire meal should be served to your sick person on a tray while they recuperate in bed. Just prop them up on some nice fluffy pillows. Maybe I'll get sick soon...