Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ropa Vieja- Cuban Comfort Food

Hey ya'll! I have a new recipe for you, and I think it's one you are gonna love for two reasons. First, it's a slow cooker recipe, and we all love those for the simplicity. Second, it's a great fall comfort food. When the weather turns cooler, I always think of soups and stews, and this recipe is a meaty stew. It's a Cuban dish that is one of my all-time favorites. This dish really takes me back to a time in my childhood when my family lived in southern Florida. There was a small Cuban cafe near our house that we frequented, and their ropa vieja was my fave! I love, love, love Cuban food! Now, when we vacation in the Keys, I load up on plantain chips and mango juice, and I force my family to eat at Cuban dives. But, back to this recipe... ropa vieja is Spanish for "old clothes". This stew is made from shredded beef in a tomato base which resembles tattered or "old clothes". So, without further ado:

Tiffany's Slow Cooker Ropa Vieja

2 London Broil cuts (Trust me. Use 2. It's good and you are gonna eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner for like 3 days and be really sad when it's gone.)
1 15.5 oz can tomato sauce
2 15.5 oz cans diced tomatoes (Get creative here- use some of the new flavored varieties such as, fennel & spicy red pepper or basil, garlic, & olive oil.)
3 Bay leaves
1 1/2 teaspoons cumin
3 cloves chopped garlic (You can add more if you love gahhhhlic... My family does not!)
1 chopped onion
1 Tablespoon dried cilantro (I use dried because if I buy fresh I wont use the rest, but if you think YOU will, then by all means use fresh.)
1/4 cup white vinegar
1 1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes (You can add more if you like it spicy.)
Salt & Pepper

In the slow cooker, mix tomato sauce, diced tomatoes, cumin, chopped garlic, onion, dried cilantro, white vinegar, & red pepper flakes. Generously salt & pepper the london broil cuts. Cut them in half if you need to in order to get them in the slow cooker. Cover them with tomato sauce. Toss in 3 bay leaves. Cover & cook on high for 6 hours or until the beef is falling apart and shreds easily. Use a couple forks to shred the beef in the slow cooker. If you want the stew to be a bit thicker, stir in a can of tomato paste and continue cooking for 30 minutes with the lid off. Give it a taste to adjust any seasonings. Try not to eat the whole pot before dinner- that's always my problem. 

Serve this with yellow rice and black beans for an authentic Cuban meal. If you don't have any yellow rice, white or brown is just as good! Hope you like it!


  1. Hi Tiffany -
    Long time follower, first time writer. Love the blog.

    So, I made this recipe a couple of days ago and my wife and I loved it. The only thing that I changed was to use three 15.5oz cans of diced tomatoes instead of using tomato sauce (as it turned out that I didn't have any). I also added about 2 cups of beef broth to give it a little more juice (again because of lack of tomato sauce). We added a side of sauteed mushrooms and onions just for a little more vegetable infusion with the meal.

    Thank you so much for the recipes - keep em coming.


    1. Hey Shawn! I'm so glad you liked it! I know what a picky eater you are....
