Monday, September 19, 2011

Honest Tea is Honestly Good- Honest!

Hey Ya'll! How about this cool snap? It's awesome. You can actually get outside and enjoy some activities without sweating like a pig! However, if you do get hot and thirsty I have a new beverage for you to try- Honest Tea Moroccan Mint Green Tea. I'm so addicted to it. Unlike other bottled teas, this one is the real deal! It's USDA certified organic, and it's NOT overly sweet like all those tea drinks on the market today. I have found in my old age- well, older age- I'm not quite ready to succumb to OLD AGE- that I'm sensitive to two things: salt and sugar. They literally make me swell up like a bullfrog. Too much salty chinese food and sugary drinks have me looking like a puffy hot mess the next day! Now, sometimes I still indulge in spite of the ugly (and I do mean ugly!) consequences, but usually I try to limit salt and sugar because I am terribly vain. So, this is how I stumbled upon Honest Tea. I was perusing the beverages at CVS (You can also find a much wider variety of Honest Tea at the super awesome Fresh Market.) for something with low sugar, low caffeine, no preservatives, and great taste. Mind you, these criteria REALLY limit the choices. I chose the Honest Tea Moroccan Mint Green Tea. It's organic- check for no preservatives. It has 1/4 the caffeine of a cup of coffee (approximately 24.3 mg per serving compared to 80 mg in a cup of coffee)- check for low caffeine. It has 1/6 the sugar of other tea beverages on the market and is sweetened with honey (only 34 calories for the whole bottle- SWEET!)- check for low sugar. BONUS- it has as much of the antioxidant EGCG as 32 servings of blueberries! All that remained was taste. I was pleased. It actually tastes like tea with a light spearmint flavor that is lightly sweetened. It's very refreshing and doesn't leave you still thirsty after you drink it the way some beverages can. Also, it's reasonably priced at about $1.69 per bottle and comes in other varieties of green and black teas. I just happen to be hooked on the Moroccan Mint, but you may like another variety. Try them.

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