Monday, April 22, 2013

Lighten Up for Spring! Low-Carb Light Bacon and Cheese Quiche

Hey y'all! It's almost time to squeeze into bathing suits. I know... you aren't ready for THAT, are you?!? You've been looking forward to the warm weather and beautiful long summer days, but I bet you haven't thought about the dreaded bathing suit, huh? I most certainly have. I have been trying mine on at least once a week counting every fat roll and sucking things in until I nearly faint from lack of oxygen. So, even though my QR tag over to the right says, "No diets in 2013!"- I am dieting for summer. I'm trying to cut out gluten. You know, get rid of some of the junky carbs that puff you up like a blowfish. I told someone the other day I was eating gluten-free, and they asked, "Are you allergic to gluten?". I said, "Yes, I am. It makes me fat." LOL! OK, on to the new recipe. This is actually a low-carb crustless quiche recipe that I revised to also be light. Low-carb recipes are usually high in fat, and this one was no exception. However, my lightened up version was very tasty. The kids ate it, so that means it must have been good! Here it is:

Low-Carb Light Bacon and Cheese Quiche

8 large eggs
1 1/4 cups light cream
1 1/4 cups 2% shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup crisp cooked turkey bacon, crumbled
sea salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 8x8 square glass pan with non-stick cooking spray. Beat the eggs with the cream. Add salt and pepper. Stir in the cheese and bacon. Pour into the pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until set in middle and lightly golden brown on top.

Note: If you don't have kids, you could throw almost anything in here: mushrooms, spinach, onions, asparagus, red peppers, leeks. Go crazy! Since I do have children.... I made creamed spinach for a side dish, a tossed salad and had this for a light, early weekend supper. I hope you enjoy.

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