Saturday, July 30, 2011

Drooling Over Devonshire Cream...

It is a joyous occasion! Blessed are they who have brought us The Fresh Market my friends! Guess what I found there? You will never believe it! Hidden in the dairy section... I very nearly overlooked it... Devonshire Cream! I used to be able to get it at Piggly Wiggly in Litchfield, but then they stopped carrying it. Bam! Just like that. I was distraught for months. Gradually, Devonshire Cream faded from my thoughts like a first love, until I discovered it again at The Fresh Market. I was so overjoyed to find my old love that I turned to the lady next to me with tears in my eyes and said, "Look! They have Devonshire Cream!!!!" She just smiled politely, and pushed her cart away quietly... She must have never had it I thought. Poor lady. I grabbed a jar, and headed to the bakery where I picked up a French vanilla pound cake. In the checkout line I was fantasizing about that beautiful, creamy, loveliness slathered thickly all over a generous slice of pound cake. HURRY UP PEOPLE!  I drove home quickly and rushed in the house with only the necessary bags. I cut the cake, and opened the Devonshire Cream and spread it on- thickly. I took a bite. OMG! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... I could literally feel the endorphins swimming through my blood. I'm telling ya'll- GO GET SOME! For those of you who may not know what Devonshire Cream is, it is a thick cream made by indirectly heating full-cream cows milk until it thickens. It is the consistency of a silky rich sour cream but it tastes like a sweet cream butter. It is a phenomenal topping for sweet breads, biscuits, scones, apple pie, croissants, crumpets, or almost ANY baked good you can possibly imagine. It derives its name from the region of England where it is widely produced (Devon County), and is also sometimes called clotted cream. In the U.S. it is classified as butter, and that is where you will find it at The Fresh Market- with the butter. It comes in a small glass jar, and the brand name is The Devon Cream Company, English Double Devon Cream. It has a little tag of the newlyweds, Will & Kate, around the rim. So I say, old chums, could you possibly be any more English than that?

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