Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sick People Chicken Soup

Hello everyone! We have made it to Fall! The weather is beautiful and cooler! So, of course, everyone is sick. Almost everyone I know has some sort of allergy or sinus trouble or throat tickle or dry cough or the kids have the first Fall cold. I am going to share my recipe for Sick People Chicken Soup so you can doctor your family if the aforementioned afflictions are plaguing you and yours. Chicken soup is the perfect sick food because it is easy on the digestive system- I mean if you can't handle chicken soup you need to be in the hospital! I have always made this soup for every sick person in my family regardless of the ailment- colds, surgeries, allergies, back trouble, cancer, heart trouble, strep throat, you name it. I'm not claiming it will cure sick people, but it will definitely comfort them. Also, it's very simple to make, has just a few ingredients, and keeps well for several days in the fridge. It can also be frozen if you like for future outbreaks of illness. It will keep in the freezer for a couple of months. I would like to say that you should not stray too far from my recipe. I mean don't get crazy... We are talking about sick people here, OK? They don't need lots of herbs and spices and fresh ground black pepper and cheese and garlic toast and all that stuff we add to soup when we aren't sick. Keep it simple. We don't wanna irritate scratchy throats and make stuffy noses drip and eyes burn. We just wanna get the sick person to take some nourishment. I guess it would be OK if you want to substitute an oil or the kind of chicken I recommend, but really, I have pretty much perfected this recipe. So stick to it!

Sick People Chicken Soup

1 large white onion finely chopped
4 stalk celery finely chopped
6 carrots peeled and chopped (You can add more if the sick person likes carrots.)
1 clove garlic finely diced (That's it garlicaholics! We aren't trying to repel vampires!)
2 tbsp EVOO
1 rotisserie chicken deboned and diced  (I use store bought, but if you are feeling like Martha Stewart you can cook your own.)
1/2 cup uncooked white rice (You can substitute pasta here if you like. Ditalini works well. Increase to 3/4 cup.)
2 tbsp fresh dill finely chopped
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp white pepper
2 32 oz. containers organic chicken stock
*Note: I recommend using organic ingredients for this soup. I always feel better about feeding my sick family members organic foods. When they are well- whatever, but sick I really, really care. :)

In a large stock pot add the EVOO and the chopped onion, celery, carrots, garlic and salt. Saute gently over medium heat until veggies just start to soften. (You want to sweat them a bit- not brown them.) Add the chicken stock, uncooked rice or pasta, diced chicken, white pepper, and chopped dill. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. If it looks too thick, add water and let simmer.

Serve this with saltine crackers- the other famous sick people food! For dessert, I recommend a popsicle or jello. Of course, this entire meal should be served to your sick person on a tray while they recuperate in bed. Just prop them up on some nice fluffy pillows. Maybe I'll get sick soon...

Friday, September 23, 2011

The 411 on Bistro 217

Lunched at Bistro 217 today. What can I say but awesome, good things??? I've eaten here numerous times and they have catered our office holiday party a couple times. The food is always great. I love the atmosphere of the restaurant- very casual and laid back. I love the wait staff. (Pat, Pam, and Rebecca who we met today.) I just love it. You know, they have renovated the restaurant and now have expanded inside seating and a larger bar area, don't you? If you haven't been in a while you should go. If you haven't been at all you should go soon. You can literally close your eyes and pick something off the menu, and I promise it will be beyond good- into the realm of totally fantastic. I know you are waiting for my menu recommendations, aren't you? This is the one place that my answer is emphatically- ANY and ALL.  ANY and ALL of the menu items are awesome- unless, of course, you have some particular food aversion. (I'm blessed (or cursed depending on how you look at it...) with the ability to eat anything.) I have never ever been disappointed with anything I've ordered or eaten there- this is an important distinction, too, because I have ordered many things, and I have also eaten many things that others have ordered (I'm not ashamed to eat off someone else's plate! "Gimme summa that! Ohhh! That's soooo good!!!!"). It's all good. I typically go for one of the specials when I eat there. They always have several lunch and dinner specials that change daily. I do have some menu faves that I fall back on if the specials don't turn me on, which I will gladly share. My fave menu selection for lunch is the Pan Sauteed "Lunch" Grouper. I had it again today, and I swear it just gets better every time I eat it! Yummy! It's a plate of their homemade bistro potato chips topped with fried spinach. Then, they top that with the pan sauteed grouper, then top that with lobster sauce that has big chunks of lobster. SOOOOOOOOO YUMMY! My hubby really digs their fish tacos (he gets this every single time we eat lunch there...) that come with homemade tortilla chips and really tasty chunky guacamole. In fact, he compares every fish taco he eats to the fish tacos at Bistro 217. My other lunch faves are the Crunchy Thai Shrimp Salad and the Tomato, Crab & Jalapeno soup. For dinner, my old faithful standby is the Cornmeal Encrusted Flounder, which is always sooooo superbly cooked. However, I usually order a special at dinner, because as I mentioned before, the specials are always fantastic. Maybe I should go back for dinner tonight...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Skillet Chicken Cacciatore- That's Amore!

I know I haven't given ya'll a good recipe in a while, so here's a GOOD one! I made this last Sunday after looking in the fridge for ten minutes and thinking- "What the hell am I gonna cook???"  I had some left over mushrooms and sliced bell pepper from Friday night's salmon spinach salad. I had some chicken breasts. I had some canned tomato sauce. I had some diced tomatoes. I was drinking some red wine- a cabernet sauvignon if I remember correctly... Chicken cacciatore, maybe? I grabbed my trusty Southern Living cookbook and looked it up. OK, so I didn't have the exact ingredients for a traditional cacciatore, but I certainly could whip up a knock-off. (I get brave and very self-confident after a couple glasses of wine!) Fortunately, my pantry is always pretty well stocked. It turned out great. Even my picky-eating son ate it! He actually came wandering out of his room while I was cooking and asked, "What smells so good?". When I told him it was dinner he was more than skeptical until he stuck his nose in the pan of onions and EVOO that was deglazing with red wine. He said, "YUM! That smells so good!". Score 1 for Mom. Here's what I came up with:

Skillet Chicken Cacciatore

6 boneless skinless chicken breasts- cut into chunky pieces
1/3 cup EVOO (extra virgin olive oil- I know you know what that means!)
1 medium onion- chopped
4 cloves garlic- chopped
1/2 cup red wine (It's perfectly OK to drink the rest of the bottle.)
1 green bell pepper- chunky diced
8 oz. white sliced mushrooms
1 can tomato sauce w/ Italian herbs
1 can petite diced tomatoes w/ garlic & olive oil
3 bay leaves
1 tsp. dried oregano
1 tsp. dried thyme
sea salt to taste
fresh ground black pepper to taste
1 lb. pasta- cooked al dente (I used perciatelli, but use whatever you prefer.)
fresh grated parmesan cheese

Brown the chicken in the EVOO over medium-high heat until browned. Remove to a plate. Add the chopped onion to the pan and saute until transluscent. Add the chopped garlic and saute for just another minute- do not burn the garlic. Add the red wine to the pan to deglaze using a wooden spoon to rub the bottom of the pan to release all the bits stuck on the bottom. Let the wine cook off a bit- maybe 2-3 minutes at a low simmer. Add the diced tomatoes to the pan. Bring up to light boil. Add the mushrooms and bell pepper to the pan. Add the tomato sauce to the pan. Add the oregano and thyme. Salt & pepper to taste. Add the chicken back to the pan and stir it in to coat it in the sauce. Add the 3 bay leaves and stir in gently. Bring to a gentle boil. Cover and reduce heat. Let this simmer for at least 40 minutes so the sauce comes together and the chicken gets tender. Remove bay leaves before serving. Serve this yummy stewed chicken over pasta with lots of fresh grated parmesan cheese at the table. Enjoy!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Honest Tea is Honestly Good- Honest!

Hey Ya'll! How about this cool snap? It's awesome. You can actually get outside and enjoy some activities without sweating like a pig! However, if you do get hot and thirsty I have a new beverage for you to try- Honest Tea Moroccan Mint Green Tea. I'm so addicted to it. Unlike other bottled teas, this one is the real deal! It's USDA certified organic, and it's NOT overly sweet like all those tea drinks on the market today. I have found in my old age- well, older age- I'm not quite ready to succumb to OLD AGE- that I'm sensitive to two things: salt and sugar. They literally make me swell up like a bullfrog. Too much salty chinese food and sugary drinks have me looking like a puffy hot mess the next day! Now, sometimes I still indulge in spite of the ugly (and I do mean ugly!) consequences, but usually I try to limit salt and sugar because I am terribly vain. So, this is how I stumbled upon Honest Tea. I was perusing the beverages at CVS (You can also find a much wider variety of Honest Tea at the super awesome Fresh Market.) for something with low sugar, low caffeine, no preservatives, and great taste. Mind you, these criteria REALLY limit the choices. I chose the Honest Tea Moroccan Mint Green Tea. It's organic- check for no preservatives. It has 1/4 the caffeine of a cup of coffee (approximately 24.3 mg per serving compared to 80 mg in a cup of coffee)- check for low caffeine. It has 1/6 the sugar of other tea beverages on the market and is sweetened with honey (only 34 calories for the whole bottle- SWEET!)- check for low sugar. BONUS- it has as much of the antioxidant EGCG as 32 servings of blueberries! All that remained was taste. I was pleased. It actually tastes like tea with a light spearmint flavor that is lightly sweetened. It's very refreshing and doesn't leave you still thirsty after you drink it the way some beverages can. Also, it's reasonably priced at about $1.69 per bottle and comes in other varieties of green and black teas. I just happen to be hooked on the Moroccan Mint, but you may like another variety. Try them.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grab a Greek Pizza in G'Town!

Hey Ya'll! This week I have found a diamond in the rough! Actually, it was two weeks ago, but I'm just now getting around to writing. Sorry... I'm a very busy gal. I know all of you have heard of, eaten at, or at least driven by Tony's Famous Pizza in Georgetown, right? This local joint has been in Georgetown FOREVER. They also have one in the big metropolis of Andrews. I have eaten here way too many times to count and had everything on the menu forwards, backwards, sideways, special ordered, and smothered in Tony's famous sauce. Yes, they have a famous sauce. It's the main reason that people eat there, because in all honesty the food is simple and plain. It's subs and pizza- mainly. You can get a salad (I don't recommend it, but you can...), or pasta (again- at your own risk- except the lasagna- it's really good). The subs are good but not by any means great until you pour on the special sauce. Then, suddenly you have sub perfection! I'm telling you, it's the sauce that has made Tony famous! However, this post is not about Tony's sauce. No, no, no... It is about Tony's Greek Pizza. I am not a huge fan of pizza because I live with 2 kids who eat it A LOT. So, naturally, I am burned out. The very thought of pizza makes me nauseated. But, this one day the thought of subs was more nauseating, so I opted for pizza. I picked the Greek pizza because it was the LEAST traditional pie on the menu. When I opened that box all i could do was smile. It was beautiful- golden brown crust, sliced meatballs (homemade, too...), fresh slices of tomato, green peppers, onions, black olives, lots of feta cheese, marinara sauce, and just enough mozzarella to hold it all together. The crust is good, too. Not too chewy, not too thin, not too thick. Just right. If ya'll are in Georgetown I highly recommend stopping in at Tony's for a Greek pizza. Or, call and order one, pick it up, and take it home. The number is 546-1612.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Definitely La Playa for ALL Things Mexican!

Hello food lovers! Are you Mexican food lovers? Hmmmmm? Have you been to La Playa in Pawleys Island? Im sure most of you have, but IF you have not, you MUST try it. It is so superior to the other Mexican restaurants in our area. Now, I like Habaneros and El Cerro Grande. They are great! But La Playa is really a step above. Their menu is extensive, and not only do they have Mexican food- they have signature dishes from Latin America and the Caribbean. I have been there many times, and I usually order the Arroz con Pollo (loosely translates to chicken & rice). It is yummy! A large plate of Spanish rice with sauteed veggies and big chunks of chicken all topped with melted cheese and garnished with sliced avocado. I highly recommend you try this dish. However, last night I went out on a limb and tried something new- a Grande margarita rather than just the regular. They also have jumbo, but I thought that might be a bit too much. You know, when you drink too much all the food tastes good, and I wanted to be able to give ya'll an honest review. Next time I go I think I'll order a pitcher. Why not? I mean if u CAN order your margaritas by the pitcher then why wouldn't you? Oh yes, you can order pitchers of margaritas at the awesome La Playa. Gotta love that! I did also try a new dish- the Pork Carnitas. Let me just say that I love pork. It is my fave meat. I am truly a Southern Belle. Pork is just the Cadillac of all meats. It's versatile and luscious and fatty and flavorful and yummy! So, I was skeptical that La Playa could impress me, but they did! They brought me a HUGE plate of sliced pork tenderloin that was melt-in-your-mouth tender and had a little crunch on the outer edge where they crisped it in a pan. It was topped with a salsa mexicana which was a light salad made of tomatoes, onion, jalapeno, and cilantro. It was served with Spanish rice and refried beans- the real deal, both. One of my fave elements of the dish was a vinegar-based coleslaw of cabbage, onion, carrot, and celery that was strategically placed right in the middle of the plate so that you could pull it into the beans, or the rice, or the pork, for a fabulous tangy, crunchy extra punch. Home run La Playa! I only have one very minor, teensy, weensy complaint. OK, it's not really a complaint. It's more of a suggestion. Give me some warm tortillas. Oh! If I had had some warm tortillas to wrap that yummy pork in, I would have been in Mexican food heaven! Oh, Dios mio! As a side note, if you are into enchiladas, theirs are like 2 feet long. I'm totally serious. They have the longest enchiladas I've ever seen. Maybe I don't get around much....

Monday, August 29, 2011

Quick & Easy Crab Pie

Hello to all my devoted fans and followers- yes, all 10 of you! Hello! I have a new recipe for you. This one is adapted from a Bisquick recipe. It's one of their Impossibly Easy Pie recipes. You know, they have an Impossibly Easy Pie Anything You Can Think Of. Im serious. If you don't believe me, just go check out their website: www.bisquick.bettycrocker.com

This recipe is an adaptation of their Impossibly Easy Seafood Pie. I didn't have all of the ingredients listed, so I used what I had because I did not want to go back to the grocery store- I swear I live there. It is my home away from home. Anyway, the recipe did not suffer. At least, I don't think it did. It was quite tasty and got the thumbs up from the family- except the picky-eating 12-year old son, of course. But, he doesn't count much, culinarily speaking...

Crab Pie
1 package Krab Delights finely chopped (Hush up seafood snobs! It was all I HAD!)
1 cup real mayo
1 cup frozen corn
1 1/2 cups sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup finely diced onion
2 large eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup Bisquick
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp hot hungarian paprika
1 tsp sea salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray a glass pie pan with non-stick cooking spray. In a large bowl, mix Krab, mayo, corn, cheese, onion, garlic powder, paprika, and sea salt. Spread evenly in bottom of pie plate. Mix eggs, milk, and Bisquick until smooth. Pour evenly over Krab mixture. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown. Let sit for 15 minutes before cutting.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Well, I never thought this day would come. I have found something I will NOT eat! It's vile. I literally gagged trying to swallow it. It's Activia's new French Silky & Fruity Pinapple Yogurt. Yuck! I'm very disappointed. I wanted to like it. J'adore la cuisine francaise! C'est magnifique! Vive Madame Julia Childs! With that said, let me tell you about this product. It is indeed silky and fruity as advertised, but it is on the sour side. Now, I know most yogurt is on the sour side, but this is REALLY sour. However, it has 22g of sugar! What?!? That should sweeten it up! It also has 0 fiber. Yes, 0. Isn't Activia known for having fiber in it to regulate the digestive system along with all those good bacterias? Yes, it is. Well, this has a whopping big ZERO. Here's another shocker- it has 170 calories AND 5g of fat, 3.5 of which are saturated! Hey! Maybe it's that high calorie and fat content that makes it French???? Someone should hip the folks at Dannon that for all those calories and fat and with "French" on the label it should taste GOOD. That's certainly the impression I was under when I purchased it. I highly recommend skipping this on the yogurt aisle, but if you do try it, please let me know what you think. I'm very curious to know if it really is awful or if my taste buds are just out of whack today...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Tiffany's Shrimp & Grits

Hey Ya'll! I know it's been a while. I've been very busy! School is starting next week, and I've been slammed getting the kids ready to go back. Don't ya'll worry. I do have a new recipe for you. It's my take on shrimp & grits. Now... every southern cook has a recipe for shrimp & grits and every restaurant has it on the menu. Usually, it is covered in some thick, blobby, hammy, yucky gravy. I know you are thinking, "Hey! I love gravy!". Well, I do too. However, I truly, honestly, whole-heartedly believe I have crafted a far superior tasting recipe for shrimp & grits. Even my extremely picky eating son will eat it (sans the diced tomatoes, naturally). Let me tell you up front: it is a bit of work. But, please don't let that deter you from trying this recipe. Here's what you do- invite over some friends for dinner, and then put them to work in the kitchen. I mean for goodness sake if you're feeding them the least they can do is help! :)

Tiffany's Shrimp & Grits (You can change it to your name if you want to...)
1 tsp. dried thyme
2 lbs. medium shrimp-peeled & deveined w/ tails on
2 cups white corn meal
1 cup flour
3 Tbsp. creole seasoning
1 large bell pepper
4 andouille sausages
8-10 slices thick cut bacon
1 cup white wine (it's perfectly OK to drink the rest of the bottle)
6 green onions
3 heirloom tomatoes
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
Grits- any kind you like EXCEPT instant
6 Tbsp unsalted butter
2 Tbsp. EVOO
Sea salt & Fresh ground black pepper

Fry bacon until crispy & set aside. Brown andouille sausage in 2 Tbsp. EVOO in large skillet. When brown on all sides, add 1/2 cup water to skillet. Bring to a boil & cover. Reduce heat & simmer for 10 minutes. Uncover & allow water to cook off & sausages to brown up a little. Remove to a plate. Add 1 cup white wine to skillet to deglaze. Add diced green onion and bell pepper. Saute until tender. Add sea salt & black pepper. Slice andouille sausage on the bias & add to veggies. Crumble bacon in skillet along with veggies and sausage. Add 1 tsp. dried thyme. Stir to combine and saute 3-4 minutes. Cover & keep warm.

Cook grits according to package directions for 8 servings. Add 4 Tbsp. butter to grits while cooking. When done, add 4 more Tbsp. butter & 2 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese. Stir until smooth & creamy. Cover & keep warm.

Mix corn meal, flour, & creole seasoning in a large bowl. Dry shrimp thoroughly & toss in corn meal mixture to coat. Deep fry in canola oil for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.

To assemble plates: Place a heaping helping of cheese grits in the center of the plate. Top with the sausage and veggie mixture. Top that with fried shrimp. Top that with diced heirloom tomatoes. Be sure to have hot sauce on the table for those who like some heat! I serve this with zucchini sauteed in olive oil. Yum Yum Yum!!!!! Get ready to hit the couch!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Drooling Over Devonshire Cream...

It is a joyous occasion! Blessed are they who have brought us The Fresh Market my friends! Guess what I found there? You will never believe it! Hidden in the dairy section... I very nearly overlooked it... Devonshire Cream! I used to be able to get it at Piggly Wiggly in Litchfield, but then they stopped carrying it. Bam! Just like that. I was distraught for months. Gradually, Devonshire Cream faded from my thoughts like a first love, until I discovered it again at The Fresh Market. I was so overjoyed to find my old love that I turned to the lady next to me with tears in my eyes and said, "Look! They have Devonshire Cream!!!!" She just smiled politely, and pushed her cart away quietly... She must have never had it I thought. Poor lady. I grabbed a jar, and headed to the bakery where I picked up a French vanilla pound cake. In the checkout line I was fantasizing about that beautiful, creamy, loveliness slathered thickly all over a generous slice of pound cake. HURRY UP PEOPLE!  I drove home quickly and rushed in the house with only the necessary bags. I cut the cake, and opened the Devonshire Cream and spread it on- thickly. I took a bite. OMG! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... I could literally feel the endorphins swimming through my blood. I'm telling ya'll- GO GET SOME! For those of you who may not know what Devonshire Cream is, it is a thick cream made by indirectly heating full-cream cows milk until it thickens. It is the consistency of a silky rich sour cream but it tastes like a sweet cream butter. It is a phenomenal topping for sweet breads, biscuits, scones, apple pie, croissants, crumpets, or almost ANY baked good you can possibly imagine. It derives its name from the region of England where it is widely produced (Devon County), and is also sometimes called clotted cream. In the U.S. it is classified as butter, and that is where you will find it at The Fresh Market- with the butter. It comes in a small glass jar, and the brand name is The Devon Cream Company, English Double Devon Cream. It has a little tag of the newlyweds, Will & Kate, around the rim. So I say, old chums, could you possibly be any more English than that?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Looking for an Awesome App? Got It!

Hey ya'll! Are you bored to tears with chips and salsa? Sick and tired of cheese and crackers? Rather pass the veggie tray? Well, I've got something for YOU! An exciting new appetizer that is sure to please your friends and family (assuming they like shrimp and coconut- I know some taste bud challenged people who don't...) So, the next time you have Happy Hour at your house, try this recipe:

Panko Coconut Shrimp
1 lb. medium shrimp peeled & deveined- tails on
1/3 cup flour
1 tsp salt
3 egg whites- beaten in small bowl
1 1/2 cups panko bread crumbs
1 cup sweetened coconut flakes

Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray. Mix flour & salt in small bowl. Make sure shrimp are very dry (if they are not very dry the flour won't stick) and dredge in flour. Dip floured shrimp in egg whites. Mix panko and coconut flakes in a bowl. Toss shrimp in panko/coconut mixture until well coated. Place on baking sheet. When all the shrimp is on the baking sheet, either spray tops with more cooking spray (hold the can way back or you will blow off the panko/coconut mixture- LOL!) OR use a pastry brush and dab each shrimp with a little vegetable oil. Bake in the oven for about 7 minutes on each side. Total cook time is about 14 minutes.

These panko coconut shrimp are awesome, and they are very low in fat. What more could you ask for? I serve them with Thai chili sauce for dipping. Don't have any? Try orange marmalade thinned out with a little white vinegar and add some red chili flakes to taste. Happy Happy Hour!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Cocktail Time!

It's Monday... Ugh! I hope we all can make it till 5:00 Happy Hour! Over the weekend, I came up with a fab new cocktail recipe. It's a bit like a white sangria but the parts are separate, so it can be adjusted to individual tastes. It uses fresh peaches which are in season now. Be sure to pick peaches that are firm to the touch. You don't want them to fall apart in your drink. Hope you enjoy!

Peach Wine Spritzers
2 firm peaches
2 Tbsp. sugar
1/2 cup brandy
1 bottle reisling wine
1 bottle diet lemon lime soda (or seltzer water if you find the diet soda to sweet for your taste)

Peel and slice peaches. Place in a glass bowl and cover with sugar. Toss to coat. Cover with brandy. Chill for at least 30 minutes.  When ready to serve, place 3-4 peach slices in a wine glass ( I also added a spoonful of the sugared brandy from the bowl.), fill glass half full with reisling, top off with diet lemon lime soda or seltzer water, and a few ice cubes.

IF there are peaches left over soaking in the brandy, I recommend eating them. They are delicious! However, driving may be a bad idea...

Friday, July 22, 2011

Captain John's Rockin' Tuna Philly!

Hey ya'll! TGIF! Hip hip hooray! So are you thinking about where you wanna eat this weekend? I know, I know you get tired of the same old places and it's just too HOT to cook. Well, here's an idea for you- Captain John's Seafood Grill in Litchfield. This place is one of my fave's. It's the 4 C's: cozy, casual, close, and best of all CHEAP. It reminds me of a pub. It's dimly lit and has booths and a bar that stretches across the length of one side of the restaurant. The menu is varied and has everything from hot dogs to seafood dinners. Even the pickiest of eaters should be able to find something here. But... I know you are waiting for my recommendations, yes????? OK, then! Hands down, the BEST thing on the menu for excellent taste and value is the Ahi Tuna Philly sandwich. Now, you are probably thinking somewhere along the lines of a tuna salad melt with peppers and onions, but no no no my hungry friends. This soft hoagie roll is piled high with fat, ginormous cubes of fresh tuna (cooked to order- I always get mine medium which is still pink in the center and leaves the fish tender and juicy. If you go any more well done than medium, the tuna dries out too much.). Sauteed green peppers and onions are mingled throughout the tuna chunks and the whole thing is topped with melted cheese- what I believe to be mozzarella, but I could be wrong... It's served open-faced because it's too big to put the top on, and if you can pick it up AND get your mouth around it then you are my hero! I always eat it with a fork. It comes with a side and I highly recommend the potato salad. They have awesome potato salad. It's made with sliced potatoes in a sour cream base with bacon. Oh yeah. Need I say more? And, guess what? This super satisfying meal is only $10 bucks! One more thing, skip the wine with this dish and go for a beer. Beer just suits this dish perfectly. I recommend Yuengling, but they have a decent beer list to choose from. There is a link to Captain John's Seafood Grill at the bottom of this page under "Places We Love to Eat". Have a happy weekend! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Meatless Monday on Tuesday

I read an article recently in a magazine (I don't remember which one...) about Meatless Monday. It's a movement to motivate Americans to go meatless one day a week- Monday- in an effort to promote better personal health and the health of the planet. Hmmmmm..... OK, maybe I can sneak in a dinner on my bunch that is meatless. This will be a challenge since I live with 3 t-rexes. My family has been known to grill a bunch of meat and just eat THAT for dinner and be totally happy. What can I cook that will be fabulous AND as satisfying as MEAT? Then, it comes to me, portobello burgers. YES! Portobello burgers! Portobello mushroom caps are thick and beefy. They are great on burgers. I'll just leave off the beef and add some other fabulous stuff. This might work! This might be a good time to tell you that I don't cook on Monday. I just can't. I mean I've just gone back to work after the glorious weekend of being footloose and fancy free to the office for yet another long week of 8 hour days. When I come home all I want to do is put on my pj's, eat junk, watch TV, and dread the week ahead. Cooking is out of the question. So, we had Meatless Monday on Tuesday. The portobello burgers turned out great. They were very satisfying and no one missed the meat. I'm including the recipe below. Also, the Meatless Monday peeps have a great website. Check it out: http://www.meatlessmonday.com/

Portobello Mushroom Burgers
4 portobello mushroom caps (wiped clean)
4 ciabatta rolls
fresh basil
fresh mozzarella (Don't you dare buy the cheaper slices! Splurge for the FRESH mozzarella. Its ooey gooey melty goodness really really makes this sammy awesome.)
small jar roasted red pepper
small jar pesto (any kind you like. I used sun-dried tomato and garlic.)
2 Tbsp. mayo (Real mayo! Not the low fat, no fat, whatever else is out there.)
1 sliced tomato
EVOO (extra virgin olive oil for those of you who don't know...)

Pre-heat the oven to 450 degrees. Drizzle the mushroom caps with EVOO on both sides and grill for about 4 minutes on each side. Set aside. Slice the ciabatta rolls in half and place on baking sheet. Spread mayo on tops of rolls and pesto on bottom. I also put a shake of garlic powder on top of the mayo. Place the portobello caps on the roll bottoms. Top with sliced mozzarella, fresh basil leaves, and roasted red peppers. Bake with roll tops off but also on the pan for about 6 minutes or until cheese is soft and gooey. When you take them out of the oven, top each burger with a slice of fresh tomato. Finish with sea salt and fresh ground black pepper.

Falling In Love With Crispy Flounder.....

Yes, ya'll it's true. I have fallen madly in love with the crispy flounder at Hyman's Seafood in downtown Charleston. Have you ever been to Hyman's Seafood on Meeting Street downtown? If you have, then you know how great the food is. If you haven't, then you have to go- TODAY. Cancel whatever plans you have and go today and order the crispy flounder. This flounder is fried fish perfection on a plate. It's a whole flounder- head removed- scored and fried. It covers the entire plate! Best of all, because it's scored you can easily pull off these chunks of fish that are crispy on the outside edges and moist on the inside. It is always perfectly cooked. It comes with three lemon wedges. I recommend using one per side (oh yes... there are two sides to this fishy love of my life). You don't want to make your crispy flounder all soggy. You just want to accentuate the delicate flavor of the flounder with a little lemon. It also comes with a little cup of what Hyman's calls chutney. To me, it's more like a cross between duck sauce and Thai chili sauce, but it's absolutely awesome on this fish. You also get to pick one side to accompany your crispy flounder, and I recommend grits. What can I say???? I'm a Southern gal. Oh, I almost forgot, it also comes with hushpuppies which are good, but don't eat them. They will just fill you up and you won't be able to finish the awesome awesome crispy flounder. Now, when you go don't be overwhelmed by Hyman's extensive menu. There are many tasty menu selections listed, and you will be tempted to order something more fancy than a plain ole' fried flounder considering you have cancelled your plans, drove to downtown Charleston, paid for parking, walked three blocks, AND waited for a table. But don't do it! Stick to your guns! Order the crispy flounder. You will be glad you did, and if not, well you can order something else next time...